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Attention ! Les magazines épuisés présentés ici sont au format PDF. Pour les exemplaires encore disponibles, cliquer sur l'image vous enverra sur le site de l'éditeur afin de commander une copie du magazine cité, pour ne pas cannibaliser ses ventes.
Watch out ! The unavailable magazines shown here are in PDF format. For the ones still available , clicking on the picture will send you on the editor's site.
Thanks to Colin Foster, Bill Lang, Tom Snow, Steve, and all the others (let me know if you want to see your name here !-) who provided scans ! And please don't hesitate to send scans if you have magazines in stock !


(UK 02/1981)

 Motorcycle Mechanics
(UK 08/1981)

Motorcycle Mechanics
(UK 09/1981)

(Aus 10/1981)

(UK 11/1981)

Cycle World
(USA 11/1981)

Which Bike
(UK 12/1981)

Cycle Guide
(USA 12/1981)

(UK 02/1982)

Two Wheels
(Aus 02/1982)

(USA 11/1982)

Cycle World
(USA 02/1983)

Cycle Guide
(USA 10/1983)

(UK 02/1984)

Performance Bike
(UK 12/1985)

(UK 04/1988)

Classic Motorcycle Mechanics (UK 06/1994)

Classic Bike
(UK 08/2011)

(USA 12/2012)

Practical Sportsbikes
(UK 11/2017)




Motorcycle Classics
(USA 01/2019)





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